Personal Reflections Brothers' Trip One of life’s great joys and surprises is to continue to discover delightful new parts of the people we think we know best.
Personal Reflections On Sincerity To constantly live at the edge of our sincerity is to deny the seasonality of ourselves.
Personal Reflections Our relationship to time What kind of approach to time does this moment call for?
Uncharted Insider The Insider - September 2022 On Patagonia, our relationship to time, sincerity, the 4-day workweek, and brothers
2022 On the Medium and the Message The medium dictates the message in collaborative, organizational spaces.
2022 The Insider - August 2022 (Future of Work edition) On our obsession with productivity, the medium & the message, and trust in virtual spaces.
2022 New Course on the 4-Day Workweek Releasing an online course that guides leaders through a comprehensive, step-by-step process to design, plan, pilot, and evaluate a 4-Day Workweek
Uncharted Insider The Insider - July 2022 On the burden of awareness, deconstructionist cultures inside organizations, and the 4-Day Workweek
Personal Reflections On Family History There is always another story, waiting to be surfaced, ready to come up for air.
Conscious Leadership On Servant Leadership What starts with a belief that we can be superhuman often ends with the realization that we are nothing more than human.
Impact On Regenerative Work We’ve designed our working lives the way we’ve designed our industrial farms.
Uncharted Insider The Insider - June 2022 On crypto frontiers, servant leadership, regenerative work, and father-son trips.
2022 The Burnout Age When we credit burnout to busy seasons or to remote work or the pandemic, we’re letting ourselves off the hook.
Impact On Accountability Our society is simultaneously characterized by wildly disproportionate accountability for trivial transgressions and zero accountability for profound institutional failure.
2022 The Insider - May 2022 On social enterprise funding models, social media, burnout, and letting go and moving on from Uncharted.