Uncharted Insider The Insider - November 2023 On the bias for inaction, the need for context, the attack on our attention spans, and the power of Think Weeks
Uncharted Insider The Insider - October 2023 On my next professional chapter, the game of leadership, and the courageous middle ground
Conscious Leadership The courageous middle What games have I unwittingly entered whose expectations and rules I am now following?
Uncharted Insider The Insider - September 2023 On the flight to quality, satellite internet geopolitics, and people-pleasing leadership
Conscious Leadership The costs of people-pleasing leadership “Managing change is about upsetting people only at a rate that they can tolerate.”
Uncharted Insider The Insider - August 2023 On insurance, original thinking, main street businesses, and electrification
The potential in main street businesses The largest transfer of wealth and businesses in human history.
Conscious Leadership The challenge of original thinking The more we consume advice as entertainment, the harder it is to hear our own voice.
Climate The new paradigm of insurance Climate change has forced us into a new paradigm for insurance.
Conscious Leadership Your team is managing you It’s less that leaders are managing their employees and more that their employees have figured out how to manage their leader.
Conscious Leadership Optimizations vs. goals "Everyone is sharpening their sword for the battle that's never going to come.”