Uncharted's Economic Inequality Initiative: The Future of Uncharted

Today Uncharted launches our newest and most ambitious initiative: the Economic Inequality Initiative focused on accelerating long-term solutions, teams, activists, social movements, and startups working to address extreme economic inequality.

We believe that extreme economic inequality is right next to climate change as the biggest threat to the US over the next 30 years, which is why we've spent the last 12 months studying the data, talking to experts, and learning from activists and entrepreneurs on the solutions, policies, and ideas needed to increase economic mobility, address economic injustices, and build an equitable economy that works for everyone.

This initiative represents the future of Uncharted. As a company, we’re going to be focused on long-term, radical solutions to economic inequality. This initiative also represents a new financial model for the way we fund and power our work.

Uncharted has been a social entrepreneur accelerator for years, but today that focus expands: this is our first program we're accepting activists, social movements, policy experiments, and radical ideas that go beyond traditional social enterprise.

We're focused very early. We will accept ideas, teams, and concepts pre-incorporation. If you're an academic researcher with a policy proposal, we want to hear from you. If you're a high-school student, we want to meet you. We'll work with for-profits, non-profits, and everything in between.

If you're someone who believes that the status quo is rigged, that our economy is broken when it doesn't work for everyone, that when people say it is impossible it still might actually be possible, then you're one of us. Into the uncharted.