Sara Rodriguez
Sara's departure from Uncharted
After almost six years at Uncharted, this is Sara Rodriguez’s last week. Sara joined the team in 2014 and has served in several roles, most recently as Uncharted’s Chief Strategy Officer. For three years, she and I have been business partners, steering Uncharted together (with the help of many others on our team and board). Sara has brought powerful leadership, strong voice, timely tenderness, and pointed questions as we’ve doubled our budget, tripled our team, navigated through difficult seasons, and done it all with a culture that aspires to put humans first. Sara’s impact on me has been powerful; I’ve often told people that I feel 5x stronger as a leader knowing I lead alongside Sara. She has this rare ability to believe in you, challenge you, and poke fun at you, all at the same time.
On those days when the impact felt distant, when the headwinds were strong, when I didn’t know what to do, I would simply remind myself to do everything I could just to make Sara proud. Every time, that was enough to propel me forward. Uncharted wouldn’t be what it is today without her, and it will go to far greater heights because of her.