Uncharted Insider The Insider - July 2023 On leadership, concept creep, and optimizations vs. goals, and family business
Conscious Leadership Can AI usher in the 4-day workweek? Are AI-generated productivity gains enough to mainstream a 4-day workweek?
Uncharted Insider The Insider - June 2023 On what needs to change, AI & the job market, climate fintech research, and Fes, Morocco.
Personal Reflections The psychology of architecture Choose the environments that shape us into the people we want to become.
Conscious Leadership On Strategic Planning “All organizations are perfectly designed to get the results they get.”
Uncharted Insider The Insider - May 2023 On defining reality, the pendulum swings of nuance, rising insurance premiums due to climate change, and a marriage ceremony
Climate Insurance risk: Climate change's canary The effects of climate change are causing an economic crisis for insurance companies.
The pendulum swing of nuance Our media environment is suffering a crisis of nuance: either we are missing it entirely or we are steeped in it to the point where we’ve lost the plot.
Conscious Leadership On Defining Reality At the heart of every company, there is a story about what’s important and what’s true.
Climate Paperwork and Hammer Businesses For every flashy climate technology, there are ten boring businesses that are flying under the radar, solving everyday problems involving hammers or paperwork.
Conscious Leadership The power of asymmetrical risk We’re often told this story that the greater the risk, the greater the reward, but that misguides us to think that the levers holding risk and reward are always equally balanced.
Conscious Leadership Process vs. Authority Before building lots of processes, build clear authorities, then determine what process is needed.
Impact The Undertow of Technology The wave of technological progress may move us forward, but the stronger its force, the stronger its undertow.
Uncharted Insider The Insider - April 2023 The undertow of technology, over engineering process, asymmetrical risk, boring businesses, and rehearsal dinners.
Conscious Leadership Redefining Intelligence Artificial Intelligence, and how intelligence is a relationship between us and the world.
Climate Geoengineering: The risks of desperation Humans tend to be more interventionist than preventionist.
Conscious Leadership The Four Acts of Company Building There are often four acts to building a company.
The Insider - March 2023 On company building, geoengineering, artificial intelligence, and the kindness of strangers.
Personal Reflections The limits of spreadsheets The one question that reframes everything and cuts through it all.
Conscious Leadership New evidence on the 4-day workweek 92% of companies who piloted the 4-day workweek decided to keep it long-term
Climate On the Limits of Technology The technologies to tackle climate change will be available far faster than our ability to implement them.
Conscious Leadership On Remote Work Is remote work is a successful model for early-stage companies looking to build ambitious things?