2021 Uncharted Insider - November 2021 On curatorial intelligence, healing in the age of the metaverse, and trusting your own voice.
2021 Can we make decisions without fear? The antidote to fear is not blind courage or brazen decisiveness, but rather the slow, plodding work of mapping our fear.
2021 On Supply-Side Innovations The social sector is more inclined to focus on fixing current market failures than to focus on shaping future markets.
2021 On the Merits of Science Fiction Without exploring the fantastical, we reinforce the likelihood of the status quo.
2021 Uncharted Insider - October 2021 On the merits of science fiction, on the need for supply-side innovations, on freedom vs. power, and on the forgotten wisdom of seasons.
2021 Facebook's Metaverse: We're not ready Facebook’s metaverse is the operating system for human connection and commerce in a digital world. We're not ready.
2021 The Importance of Framing the Problem Not enough attention is paid to how we frame and approach problems. There are two common mistakes.
2021 The Humility of Counterfactuals Giving ourselves the space to remember the existence of counterfactuals is enough to soften our convictions and expand our curiosity.
2021 Uncharted Insider - September 2021 On the humility of counterfactuals, the problems with framing the problem, and how we've never been taught to eat.
Guides + Primers Guide: How to Structure a Deep Learning Retreat The 5 steps to structure a deep learning retreat
2021 The Bravery of First Days Choosing an organization doesn't just happen once, but it happens every day we continue to show up.
2021 On Being Misunderstood What defines the human experience more: our capacity to judge or our desire to be freed from it?
2021 The Uphill Battle of the Race/Class Narrative The race/class narrative promises to unify the 99%. But can it overcome the pull of the "American Dream"?
2021 Uncharted Insider - August 2021 On building wealth, the race/class narrative, being misunderstood, and going to cooking school.
Guides + Primers Primer: First Principles Thinking A first principle is a foundational assumption or truth that stands alone and cannot be further reduced or simplified.
2021 The Challenges of Outcomes over Intentions The challenges of consequentialist ethics and what it means for antiracism
Impact On Data Diets We are stuck in the middle of complexity when it comes to our relationship to data.
2021 The Rise of the Vertically Integrated Foundation How foundations are bringing initiatives and programs in house.
2021 Permanence in the age of impermanence We don’t use the word “vow” that often, and I think it’s because there are few promises in our lives that we’re willing to consider unshakable.
2021 Uncharted Insider - July 2021 On data diets, the nuances and challenges of consequentialism, the rise of vertically integrated foundations, and what it means to make permanent commitments to each other.