Guides + Primers The Art and Skill of Decision-Making Processes Why successful decisions come from thoughtful process, and how to design good process.
2022 The Hidden Benefits of a 4-Day Workweek The 4-day workweek challenges vague top-down norms of what a workweek should be with specific bottom-up data about what inputs lead to the most important outputs, shifting power from boss to employee.
2022 Witnessing Distant Wars Perhaps we are never more alive when we are conscious of both how little power we have and how much power we have. Perhaps it matters not how we calculate our power, but simply that we bring our bravery to this harsh world.
2022 Uncharted Insider - February 2022 On witnessing distant wars, the challenges of anthropocentrism in the climate fight, the unexpected benefits of the 4-day workweek, and the details of the desert.
2022 The Power in Humanizing the Abstract In between spreadsheets and poetry, there is sacred, powerful ground for us to connect and mobilize.
2022 Implications of Remote Work The societal shift to remote work is a bigger shift with more wide-reaching implications than the shift from a 5-day to a 4-day workweek
2022 On Imperceptible Change If we are in the business of social change, we grow in maturity and humility when we loosen our grip on knowing exactly what change will look like or when it will happen.
2022 Uncharted Insider - January 2022 The power of imperceptible change, implications of remote work, and working on the spectrum between spreadsheets and poetry.
2022 White Paper: Opportunities at the Intersection of Web3 and Social Change A White Paper outlining the opportunities for the social sector to leverage Web3 technology.
Conscious Leadership Withholding Hard Truths The quickest way to reduce your sense of self-importance (and increase your self-care) is to entrust the people around you with the difficult information you believe that only you can handle.
2021 Leadership and Being Misunderstood If you can't tolerate being misunderstood, then you can't be trusted to make long-term decisions.
2021 Accountability in an Age of Victimization Victimization culture externalizes responsibility. Ownership culture internalizes responsibility.
2021 Shaping Space vs. Taking Up Space Ego-driven leadership takes up space. Fragile leadership holds space. Brave leadership shapes space.
2021 The Artistic Soul of an Organization Being purpose-driven is no stand-in for an organization’s soul.
2021 Uncharted Insider - December 2021 The lessons in leadership of 2021 and how we are training our minds
2021 Curatorial Intelligence The intelligence we most need to cultivate in the next 10 years is that of curation.
2021 Healing in the Age of Technology Will the human technology of forgiveness survive in the next wave of digital technology?
Personal Reflections The Foolishness Within When we think we’ve lost our confidence, what we’ve actually lost is the time to listen to ourselves.